Buzzwole and Snorlax

Now here is the most terrifying and the weirdest 
and the most disturbing Part of Pokemon Episode called "Set off! Our ultra Guardians!" 
Buzzwole the Ultra Beast was draining Energy from a Snorlax 
at the Mahalo Trail! 
That was scary and horrible. 
I guess there's a Lump on Buzzwole's long Needle-like Proboscis 
was Snorlax's Energy while it was draining Snorlax's Energy. 
I bet Snorlax's Energy was kind of gooey. 
I was terrified that Buzzwole was draining an Energy from Snorlax's Body! 
Just look at Snorlax! 
It became skinny and fainted. 
Just like the one in the stupid disturbing Video called "Pokemon Hoarder" 
while was deflating, 
not the Man in Dragonball Z Episode called "Borrowing Powers" 
being absorbed by Imperfect Cell 
by making him disappear. 
In Japanese Version, Snorlax's Voice became deep 
while it was drained by Buzzwole, 
and in English Version, Snorlax's Voice became high and squeaky while it was drained by Buzzwole
Ash and his Classmates saw Buzzwole draining Energy from Snorlax's Body. 
So, it's up to Ash and Pikachu confront Buzzwole 
while they were running after it. 
That poor Snorlax was just deflated and drained because of Buzzwole.
You know, Buzzwole draining an Energy from a Snorlax 
would might give Everybody Nightmares. 


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