Seizure in "Electric Soldier Porygon"

Here is something strange and bizarre 
about Pokémon Episode called 
"Electric Soldier Porygon" 
premiered on December 16, 1997. 
All Japanese Viewers were immediately suffering from terrible Seizures, vomiting, irritated Eyes, 
and other strange horrendous Symptoms due to use of a flashing strobe effect upon 
its first and only airing.
"Electric Soldier Porygon" 
was completely banned 
because those poor Children were in 
a Hospital after they were watching 
a banned Episode causes 
them have dangerous Seizures. 
Look! This Pikachu's Thunder Bolt attack that ran against flashing 
red and blue Backgrounds. 
I feel bad about the banned Episode 
called "Electric Soldier Porygon" 
causes these poor Kids of Japan have Seizures and other Symptoms.


  1. I think that informational articles should be more like yours.  By that I mean they should have character.  Your article had character and is persuasive. Your views are very interesting.
    Another spelling of seisure . Wikipedia says: A seizure is a temporary abnormal electro-physiologic phenomena of the brain, resulting in abnormal [synchronization] of electrical neuronal activity.


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