Calvin and the black Fog

This is a Horror Crossover Comic Strip 
between Calvin and Hobbes created 
by Bill Watterson and 
"Haunting my Dreams" 
the Chapter of "The electric Tale of Pikachu" 
created by Toshihiro Ono.
I made in my Computer.
I call it "Calvin and the black Fog".
This is about the black Fog (An evil giant Haunter the giant Ghost Pokémon)
that lived in a spooky Forest 
Part of Calvin's Nightmare, 
flying to search for a Victim 
to eat the Soul and Flesh. 
Calvin was whistling along and he stopped. 
Then, Calvin looked back at the black Fog and he screamed when he was scared. 
And Calvin was running away from 
the black Fog tries to eat him. 
Suddenly, the black Fog devoured Calvin by eating his Soul and his Flesh 
and then it spits out the Bones. 
Then Calvin's Dad picked the Skull and Calvin's Mom looked scared 
because the black Fog ate Calvin. 
Finally, Calvin's Dad picked up one of Calvin's Bones and Calvin's Mom wasn't scared. 
Calvin woke up from his Nightmare of the black Fog ate Calvin's Soul and Flesh 
and his Mom asked Calvin, 
"Calvin, are you getting up?".


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