Wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother from "Little Red Riding Hood"

This is a Book called "Little Red Riding Hood" 

was retold and illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
that is definitely not my favorite Book,
but I like it.
This Book, Little Red Riding Hood, came out on Sunday, May 15, 1983.
This is the Wolf who met with little Red Riding Hood in the Forest 
when she was on her way to Grandmother's House. 
The Hunter saw a Wolf fast asleep in
Grandmother's Nightgown and Shawl
and his Tummy was fat and bloated
after Little Red Riding Hood
and her Grandmother were devoured by a Wolf.
The Hunter got out a Knife to kill the Wolf quickly
while he lay sleeping and carefully cut the Wolf's Tummy
and Little Red Riding Hood got out and then
her Grandmother got out too that the Hunter rescued them. 
This is a happy Ending was when Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood 
have Wine, Tea, and some Bread. 


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