The amazing World of Gumball: The Swarm
These are the Pictures of the Pages of the Weird Comic called
"The Swarm" that Rachael drew them for me.
That's the Swarm King.
He send the Gnats to lay their Eggs inside of Gumball's Stomach when
Gumball was asleep.
This is when Gumball got sick with his Belly was all
distended after the Gnats lay Eggs inside of
Gumball's Stomach.
Inside of Gumball's Distended Belly there were Gnat Larvae squirming around.
Gross but cool.
Geez, Gumball ate a French Bread and the Cans of Tuna that the Gnat Larvae in his distended Stomach made him ravenous before
they go to the Nurse Office at Elmore Junior High School.
Gumball was too sick to go to
Elmore Junior High School because he's got Gnat Larvae inside of
his Distended Belly.
The Nurse told Mr. and Mrs. Watterson to give him an Orange Juice and a Milkshake.
Nicole Watterson got 3 Milkshakes from Joyful Burger for Gumball, Darwin, and Anais.
You see, Nicole gave Darwin a Chocolate Milkshake, Anais a Strawberry Milkshake,
and Gumball an Orange Juice and a Vanilla Milkshake.
This is when Mrs. Watterson rubbed Gumball's distended Belly to make him relax in Bed.
Oh, Gumball burped up a Gnat Larva.
Mrs. Watterson put the Gnat Larva outside.
The adult Gnats came out of Gumball's Stomach.
Oh my gosh! The Gnats were
swarming around Gumball.
Gumball let the Gnats fly into the Night through the Window and Gumball's
Tummy wasn't distended, it was normal.
The next Day, The Wattersons got rid of the Swarm King and the Gnats in
Forest of Doom by spraying on the Gnats with Bug Sprays.
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