Snorlax eating the Thorns

These are the Thorns that Ash, Misty, and Brock looked after 
Snorlax woke up and stomped away. 
Hey look! 
This fat hungry Snorlax was eating the Thorns like a Pig 
to unplugged the River and save the Town. 
But Snorlax was not a Pig, 
it's a big fat sleeping Pokémon that eats a lot and sleeps a lot. 
The wise old Hippie told the Snorlax to chow down 
on the Thorns that Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu was looking at. 
The wise old Hippie was saying those Thorns were Snorlax's favorite Snack Time 
which is why the more Thorns Snorlax ate, 
the fatter Snorlax got before it went back to sleep. 
Hey look! 
Snorlax ate all those Thorns and it was capping some Zzz's. 
That means Snorlax went back to sleep when it got really fat. 
You know, I used to think those Thorns are for 
fat Creatures like Snorlax to eat. 


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