Lord Kuruku Puppet Form

This must be the Puppet Form of Lord Kuruku 
at the End of the Earth that the Trojan Horse 
told Unico, little Sphinx and Cheri about him. 
In 1066, 
Kuruku was a Marionette, 
but unfortunately he fell into the Hands of some very bad people of Poland  
like the mean tempered old Woman named Madame Małgorzata and the wicked Magician named Jan. 
Which is why, Madame Małgorzata and Jan mistreated Kuruku badly.
As soon as Madame Małgorzata and Jan pulled and yanked at his strings before they 
became a tangled mess, they simply threw him away.
After all these countless Year, floating in the Atlantic Ocean,
he washed up in the End of the Earth. 
This is a Spot where Kuruku ended up,
but he looked like a wooden Skeleton
before he began to move 
when a strange thing happened after 200 or 300 Years. 
The Light of the Sun is full of mysterious powers
but at the same time it woke him from his long sleep,
it kindled his ever burning hatred of Humanity. 
So, it was Humanity who was responsible for driving him away. 
And then, he left the Land at the End of the Earth in search of Revenge.
Look at this. 
Cheri saw a Puppet 
before she picked him up and kept him as a Toy 
after Lord Kuruku reverted to Puppet Form 
at the End of "Unico in the Island of magic". 
