Read along & explore in "More Bugs in Boxes"
These are the bunch of bouncing brown Basketball Bugs in a Yard-long yellow Box, this is a loopey little lavender Bug in a gorgeous green Gifted Box,
this is a scarlet Strawberry Bug with baby Berry Bugs in the shiny black Bandbox. This scarlet Strawberry Bug was a female
means she was a Bug mother and the baby Berry Bugs were her Kids. This is a bright blue big Mouth Bug in a rosy red Rectangle Box,
this is a baby-blue Bug within-a-Bug in the Brown and Beige Box-within-a-Box. This Blue Bug is a female means a Bug Mother and
a Baby-blue Bug-within-a-Bug was her Kid. This is a mean green Grabber Bug in a pretty pink Pillbox,
this is a snazzy silver Spitfire Bug in a fast-flying Fuchsia Box, these are the spooky spectled Spider Bugs in an old olive Drab Box
that are the 2 of them were sea grean and the 2 of them were salmon pink, these are the Finger-pinching purple Pickel Bugs in an odd-shaped Orange Box,
and these are the pretty Paintbrush Bugs in a Rainbow-ribboned Box.
This mean green Grabber Bug was a Scorpion-like Insect and these spectled Spider Bugs were Spider-like Insects.
Basketball Bugs looked Basketballs, a Strawberry Bug looked like a Strawberry, a silver Spitfire Bug looked like an Airplane,
Purple Pickle Bugs looked like Pickles, pretty Paintbrush Bugs looked like Paintbrushes.
This bright blue big Mouth Bug looked like a Sandworm in the Movie called "Beetlejuice" directed by Tim Burton.
Looks to me the Voice of bright blue big Mouth Bug in read along and explore in More Bugs in Boxes
sounded like Gumby's Friend, Pokey from "The Gumby Show".
More Bugs in Boxes is about the Color of Bugs in Boxes.
Ooh I remember that big purple bug! It reminds me of the sand worms from Beetlejuice!
ReplyDeleteActually, it's the bright blue big Mouth Bug.