All Spork and no play

This is a Nightmare Ned comic from Disney Adventure Magazine and it's called "All Spork and no play". Ned's Dad brought a Costume from Bob's Costumes. Ned's Dad told Ned that the People of Bob's Costumes were out of Super Wasp Costumes. Instead, he brought Ned a Spork Costume. Ned's Dad also told Ned a Spork is a Combination between a Fork and Spoon. Ned began to dream. He was dreaming about wearing a Spork Costume to go to the annual Halloween Party where Everybody was wearing Utensil Costumes that Ned saw. The Girl was saying "Look! Another one! How awful!" The Boy was told Ned that he was not a real Utensil, he was a disposable consumner Good. And then a Boy pushed Ned to the Fast Food Dungeon where the Children has their broken Spork Costumes. The Pre-packaged Condiments looked like Conrad and Vernon the School Bullies. The Girl told Ned to run and saved himself. Ned told the Boy in a broken Spork Costume to get out of the horrible Place like the Fast Food Dungeon. Especially, this Boy in a broken Spork Costume feeling unconcious when he was brainwashed. The Pre-packaged Ketchup and the pre-packaged Mayonnaise were the evil Ghosts of the Condiments. Ned tricked the Pre-packaged Ketchup and the pre-packaged Mayonnaise there were giant French Fries right behind them before he ran away from them. He saw a Window up there where Everyone was having fun and the Halloween Party. Ned climbed up before the Pre-packaged Ketchup grabbed Ned's Leg. The Pre-packaged Ketchup was saying "And on this Halloween, your Costume will be melted Plastic!". Ned woke up screaming from his Nightmare and his Dad told him to stop screaming and eat his Dinner. He told to have some Ketchup for his Fries. Ned asked his Parents how cruel and relenful these pre-packaged Condiments were. At the End, Ned was enjoying his Fries.
