Titanic with a Cat

Now here is another OwlKitty Parody. It's called Titanic with a Cat. Look! Jack has OwlKitty in his Hands! That means, Jack is taking OwlKitty to Titanic! Jack was in an old fashioned Car with OwlKitty. But look! Jack told OwlKitty to look at the Dolphins! How cute! I think Titanic did crash into an Iceberg that Jack and OwlKitty saw. Oh my goodness! Jack was having risk to save OwlKitty when Titanic began to sink! Jack dancing with OwlKitty is really cute! Awww... Jack was holding up OwlKitty. ROse was looking at the Drawings of Jack and OwlKitty that Jack drew.


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