Fans' Letters about Movies

These are the Fans' Letters about Movies like Song of the South the Disney Movie came out on Tuesday, November 12, 1946, Unico in the Island of Magic the Sanrio Movie in Japanese Dub on Saturday, July 16, 1983 and in English Dub on Thursday, November 10, 1983, and My Neighbor Totoro Fox Version on Friday, May 7, 1993. This Letter from Professor Edward Anderson of the University of San Diego in San Diego, California wrote, "Dear Sirs, In the Fox Dub of "My Neighbor Totoro", I think Mei is stupid when she's crying. Yours, Professor Edward Anderson". Seems to me that's not a Question. Mei was saying "I'm not stupid" when she was crying after Satsuki ran away from her when she was angry in the "My Neighbor Totoro" Fox Version in 1993. Another Letter from Dr. Milo Garrison of New Jersey City University in Jersey City, New Jersey wrote "Dear Sirs, Why is the Roller Dragon looking at the Audience in the Part of the Sanrio Movie in Japanese Dub and English Dub called "Unico in the Island of Magic"? Curiously yours, Dr. Milo Garrison". I really think that Roller Dragon scared the heck out of the Audience when it was after Unico, Sphinx's Daughter and Cheri when the Audience watching "Unico in the Island of Magic". The last Letter from Ambassador Jerome Nebbercracker in New Orleans, Louisiana wrote, "Dear Sirs, What is the real Deal with the Disney Movie called "Song of the South"? You know what I mean. Sincerely yours, The Loyal Jerome Nebbercracker". I think Troy McClure said about Song of the South, "As you can see, the real Deal with the Disney Movie called "Song of the South", is about Racism and Slavery which is cruel, bad and awful to all the West African People who work in all sorts of Plantations without getting rest. Until finally, Slavery was abolished after the End of the American Civil War. Thanks for writing. We'll be back after these Messages".


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